How is Physical Therapy paid for?

We accept many insurance providers and work with others to help you cover your treatments. We will always do our best before you come for your initial appointment to give you your exact out of pocket cost so you never have any surprises later on as to how much your care will be.

How do I know if Physical Therapy will help me?

We at Shore Points Physical Therapy work with you and your doctor to individually discuss your case. We discuss all aspects of treatment and options to help determine if physical therapy is the right choice for you. Contact us today to discuss your current condition and any questions you may have to get you on the path to achieve your individual goals.

Why seek treatment from a Physical Therapist?

Physical therapists provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities in patients with injury or disease. They restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health.

How do I make an appointment?

Give us a call today to schedule your first appointment. We have morning, afternoon, evening and weekend hours to accommodate your busy schedule.

What do I need to bring for my first appointment?

For your first appointment please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time and bring the following:

  1. A prescription from your Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant
  2. Insurance information (we will make a copy for your individualized chart)
  3. License/Photo ID (we will make a copy for your individualized chart)
  4. Print out your patient forms from our website and bring them with you. We will provide you with any other forms that need to be filled out when you arrive for your appointment.
  5. In case of an automobile accident or worker’s compensation claim, please bring any case manager/insurance adjuster contact names, phone numbers, and claim number
  6. Wear comfortable clothing to allow our therapists to assess your problem areas

What do I wear to Physical Therapy?

We recommend that you dress comfortably in clothes that allow our therapists the ability to examine your problem areas. For treatment sessions, loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable for gentle exercises, and supportive sneakers are also recommended.

Do I need a prescription to begin physical therapy?

Direct access refers to the ability of patients to be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist without being referred by a doctor or other healthcare practitioner. If you feel you have a problem that may benefit from the skilled services of a physical therapist, NJ allows for self-referral to a physical therapist. If a physician referral is warranted based on our findings or required by your insurance (Medicare), we can then assist you in this process.